Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Much Madness is divinest Sense

Well, here we go with another Dicknson poem! This time, she has created quite a paradox in a few short lines. The speaker states that madness, insanity, or chaos is good sense. While also stating that good sense is madness. This brings me back to my AP biology class today in which we studied entropy. Entropy is the amount of chaos in a system and the world favors this chaos. If applying this to Dickinson's poem, the world is constantly insane, because there is no such idea as normality when all people are unique and different. SInce being normal does not ultimately exist, this is good sense, because it is madness. However, possessing good sense, which would be attempting to act normal, or as if nothing existed would be madness. Which I think madness in this sense is almost supposed to be used in an exclamatory sentence. Such as "Wow, that's insane! Crazy!" If anything, this poem is insane.