I found that the early chapters of The Sun Also Rises are full of irony.
Verbal Irony
At the end of chapter four Brett states, "'You make me ill'" (Hemingway,42). It is not that Jake makes Lady Ashley literally sick, but the idea that their so called 'love' puts stress on her. Almost as if she is love sick over someone she refuses to have.
Dramatic Irony
Frances in conversation with Cohn says "'I always keep my appointments. No one keeps theirs, nowadays'" (Hemingway, 53). What makes these words so ironic to the reader is that we know that Cohn was just stood up at a restaurant minutes ago by Ashley, because she was intoxicated when they made the appointment. Yet, Frances has no idea of Cohn's previous hour.
"...Brett said. 'You're terribly right. I always joke people and haven't a friend in the world. Except Jake here'"(Hemingway, 65). What's ironic about this situation is Brett really does joke with Jake. Not necessarily the word joke, but plays with his emotions. She sometimes wants to be with him and shows her affection, but other times she goes to other men, including her fiance. In a way, she sort of leads Jake on.
I'm not sure about your example of verbal irony. If she was being ironic, then she would mean that he didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Your analysis is that he does make her uncomfortable.
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